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Food Pantry Dispute Could Be Settled through Mediation

Saturday, September, 16, 2017

The dispute concerning the operation of the Center Harbor Food Pantry could be resolved through mediation, according to attorneys on both sides of the dispute.   The state filed an injunction to protect the pantry’s assets after they found out two rival boards of directors were trying to take over the organization.   At one point, the pantry fed as many as 400 families per month. 


In a hearing in Carroll County Superior Court, the judge ordered the parties to engage in mediation. 


The pantry has been operating out of the Center Harbor Christian Fellowship Church’s basement.   The church is no longer in operation.   The property includes a large home with an attached modern sanctuary, which is subject to a purchase and sales agreement.   An attorney for the church and pantry’s founder said the property is owned by his client, who is burdened by a first and second mortgage on the property, as well as additional fees owed on the property.  


Other owners of a different food pantry are interested in purchasing the building, but there is dispute over ownership of the property. 


At this point, nobody is sure of the ownership situation and one person close to the situation called it “a mess. ” There are several people interested in overtaking the food pantry, but nobody is sure who has control over what.   The state is involved and has even filed a restraining order against one of the people claiming to have control of the food pantry’s property.   Now, all parties will enter into mediation in hopes of sorting out the confusion and making a final decision about the future of the property and the food pantry.