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Fryern Ladies Club Learns Benefits of Mediation

Tuesday, May, 24, 2016

The Fryern Ladies Probus Club met recently and mediation was the topic du jour. Their May meeting took place at The Roudabout Hotel in West Chiltington and in addition to mediation discussion, the group also talked about upcoming summer plans. The women enjoyed lunch prepared by a French chef while listening to speaker Stella Turner of the West Sussex Mediation Service, now in its 16th year of service.


Turner explained to the group is run by 60 mediators that are supported by four part-time staff. The charity service is funded by the Police and Crime Commissioner, Local Authority, Housing Associations, Charitable Trusts, Town and Parish Councils, fundraising, and private donations.


Turner also discussed with the women the benefits of mediation and how it helps parties resolve disputes that aren’t necessarily well-suited for litigation. Some previous disputes resolved at the West Sussex Mediation Service included barking dogs, noise nuisances, and boundary arguments. Typical issues that arise within communities and don’t warrant the cost or time investment of court. Turner then demonstrated the mediation process to attendees and showed how disputes can be resolved through communication about the issue. She described it as a graceful and efficient way to end a conflict.


There is also something to be said about settling neighborhood disputes using mediation. The process protects relationships and avoids problems from escalating. When an issue is resolved in court, the dispute is over, but the issues that result can be worse than the dispute itself. Mediation helps to keep the peace in the community.