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Long Island Divorce Mediation: Goal a Swift Resolution

Monday, June, 6, 2011

Few things are more stressful than a divorce that takes too long to resolve.  With divorce mediation, couples aren't stuck in a form of limbo, unhappy with their present situation yet unable to take definitive steps to move into the next phase of their lives.  The time that traditional court-based divorce takes is more than an inconvenience; in many cases, it provides an ongoing source of stress to a husband and wife who are most likely already under a great deal of pressure from the breakdown of the marriage itself.


Long Island Divorce Mediation: Other Reasons for Choosing It

As long as the marriage is in limbo, divorcing couples may have to deal with uncomfortable and even embarrassing questions from their friends, loved ones, and sometimes even co-workers or bosses.  All of this could be laid to the side if the dissolution of the  ymarriage could be finalized more quickly. 


The sense of time passing is destructive in other ways as well.  A woman in her childbearing years may feel that the bloom of youth is passing her by while she waits for her divorce to be finalized; she may worry that when she is finally available again, the dating and marriage situation will be more difficult because she is older.


Thankfully, divorce mediation can overcome these issues and provide a quick resolution to the differences plaguing the divorcing couple.

To learn more about mediation or to find a divorce mediation attorney near you, visit