July 18, 2013

July 18, 2013

The New World of Same-Sex Divorce – The recent rulings by the United States Supreme Court on same-sex marriage have generated a fair amount of comment, by lawyers, gay activists, and social commentators. Ironic as it may seem, some of the greatest impact of these decisions will emerge in the parallel universe of marriage, i.e. divorce. The ruling on the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) will ease the divorce process for many same-sex couples, and make divorce more equitable for them. The Proposition 8 case will lead to far more marriages in California, and thus, inevitably, more divorces. And in the long run, the DOMA decision will most likely open up the marriage doors in the more than thirty non-recognition states – thus eventually leading to more marriages and thus more same-sex divorces.

Medical Malpractice Helps Encourage Patient Safety – According to recent studies, medical malpractice suits have more positive effects than negative, and actually contribute to improved patient safety. Yet, advocates of medical malpractice tort reform have been busy with campaign efforts in key states. As recently as June 2013, the Arkansas State Chamber of Commerce sent out a survey polling members on their thoughts about initiating a constitutional amendment that would make it harder to sue for damages.

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July 18, 2013