Business Partnerships Can Be Tricky To Dissolve

Business Partnerships Can Be Tricky To Dissolve

partnershipBusiness relationships can be tricky at best.  At worst, dissolving a partnership can take years, money, tears and more anxiety than the average person can handle.  The idea that you can do something to keep it from getting out of control gets lost on many but the truth is there is a lot you can actually do to make it go smoother and save you money in the long run.

Get Your Ducks in a Row

It’s often something people don’t think about but spending time to get organized can really do a lot for dissolving a partnership and doing so smoothly.  Gather any paperwork you have, especially any legal paperwork that details how your partnership is set up.  Read through all your paperwork so you’re prepared for any questions your legal advisor has.  This can help you feel more confident about decisions that will be made and help you understand what it will take to go your separate ways.

Seek Legal Advice

Going to through the court system can be extremely expensive and time consuming.  The friendlier you and your partner(s) can remain the better chance you have of not spending more money than you have to.  You’ll also have a better chance of walking away with more.

Consider legal advice from a professional mediator.  If you decide to work with a mediator who has experience in business partnerships you can get all the benefits of the court system without all the draw backs.  A mediator can help you sort through the legal side of the paperwork and set up the documents needed for dissolution.  More importantly they can work between both sides so that both can get a fair decision and they will work to keep it from being more difficult than it needs to be.

What Can a Mediator Do For You

A mediator can negotiate through the paperwork, books and other aspects of the partnership to make sure that there isn’t anything being kept secret.  Their fees are much less than a lawyer you’d go to court with.  In addition, a great mediator can help you get it wrapped up in less time.

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Business Partnerships Can Be Tricky To Dissolve