June 25, 2012

Baby Boomer Divorce Rate Doubles - Using data from the federal government’s 2009 American Community Survey, the study also looked at the demographics of divorce and found that rates for those over 50 were highest among black couples and lowest among white couples. Hispanics fell in the middle. Older adults who divorced also tended to be less educated than those who remained married.

Analysis: Grim prospects for Stockton as bankruptcy looms - The mediation, which includes 18 parties, was mandated by a state law passed the wake of the bankruptcy case of the San Francisco Bay area city of Vallejo.

June 18, 2012

Should You Mediate Your Lawsuit? - It depends, but the reality is that very few lawsuits actually make it all the way to trial. Most legal disputes settle, whether through mediation or not. But with budget cuts and crowded dockets, you may not have an option. Courts are now starting to mandate mediation as part of the pretrial process.

When Push Comes to Love: Be realistic about kids and divorce - When parents divorce, children do suffer a loss. Sometimes parents have a difficult time seeing that and they make up justifications for what is happening. I have heard them all: “My parents got divorced and I am okay,” “kids are resilient,” and even “things are not going to change that much.” I don’t really know how to state this any clearer: all that you do profoundly impacts your children. All. That. You. Do. Getting a divorce changes your child’s life forever.