July 15, 2013

July 15, 2013

Do I Litigate, Mediate or Collaborate in My Divorce? – When a new client comes into the office, a part of our initial discussion is which one of three forks in the road should the client take in this case. Is this a case that must be litigated because there are issues that only a Judge can decide? Are the parties able to retain the services of a 3rd party mediator to work through their divorce? What about the new kid on the block, this collaborative divorce idea?

Mortgage Options While Going Through a Divorce – Going through a divorce can be a traumatic time for anyone. Although the love may have faded away and you want to part ways, the home you’ve acquired while married can turn into a major obstacle for both parties. – See more at: http://www.loansafe.org/mortgage-options-while-going-through-a-divorce#sthash.wPsudLbb.dpuf

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July 15, 2013