July 17, 2012

July 17, 2012

Divorce and Term Life Insurance: Avoid These Three Common Mistakes! - Most divorce agreements require that one divorced spouse, usually the one paying child support or alimony, maintain a certain amount of life insurance on themselves to protect the financial future of their ex should they die before their financial obligations terminate. But like many provisions, such as dividing retirement funds or selling the house, fulfilling the terms of the agreement happens after the divorce is already final. What if you discover that your ex can’t get life insurance because of his health or that the policy has lapsed? Since you can’t go back and renegotiate the property settlement, you could be out of luck.

Why Women are Financially Better Off After Divorce - For many, divorce signifies financial freedom. And, as a new study reveals, divorce can also signify great financial achievement.

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July 17, 2012