July 22, 2013

July 22, 2013

Divorce Advice: How To Have A Happy Divorce – It’s completely understandable and somewhat expected for people to be unhappy about getting a divorce. Nobody gets married and expects to get divorced. Divorce can be costly, frustrating, hard on your kids, and volatile. Why would anyone even consider being happy about the situation? Yet, look at the alternatives: Staying miserable for the rest of your life? Blaming your ex for all of your unhappiness? Hanging on to resentment and regrets? Do you really want to spend the rest of your life in that kind of misery? I’m hoping eventually you will say no.

Common Causes of Primary Care Malpractice Reviewed – Lawyers, Broken System Blamed    A recent article published in BMJ Open assessed the epidemiology of (meaning the causes and characteristics of and patterns involved in) medical malpractice cases asserted against primary care physicians, primarily family practice doctors and internists.  The authors reviewed over 7,000 medical articles for data related to trends in malpractice cases against PCPs worldwide (although only English language literature was used).

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July 22, 2013