December 20, 2012

Making the most of mediation – Mediation’s reputation as an effective tool for resolving workplace disputes is growing rapidly. Skilled mediators are required if mediation is to facilitate mutual understanding, place responsibility for resolution with the parties, pre-empt grievance processes and deliver win-win outcomes.

Holiday Divorce Advice: How Divorced Parents Can Make The Most Of The Holidays – After divorce, deciding which parent gets to have custody of the kids during the holidays is often a contentious issue. But does it really have to be?

The Benefits of Banking Mediation

Legislation that was approved by the Maryland General Assembly on April 12, 2010, set a precedent for what would later become one of the best resources homeowners have to assist with stopping a foreclosure on their home—mediation.  In the process approved in Maryland, homeowners facing foreclosure were provided the opportunity to pay a $50 fee and request mediation with the lender or bank holding the home loan.  In this mediation proceeding, the homeowners were able to sit down face-to-face with the bank’s representative, a judge and a mediator to discuss options such as lowering the rate of the loan and changing the loan’s terms to make the home more affordable based on the homeowner’s changed circumstances.

This is just one example of the enormous benefit banking mediation can provide to consumers who are involved in a dispute with a banking or lending institution over everything from foreclosure notices to negligence to contracts.  Banking mediation is a form of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) allows the banking institution and the customer to meet face-to-face with a neutral, third-party mediator who is trained in banking law.  The process is completely confidential and often one that results in quicker resolution to a problem than other forms of dispute resolution like litigation allow.  Additionally, it is cost-effective, insuring that all parties involved in the dispute are able to reach a mutual agreement quickly and cheaply.

The banking industry is a playing ground that is ripe for disputes.  This is why banking mediation as Alternative Dispute Resolution of is such a useful tool in settling conflicts that arise in the day-to-day process of banking and financial transactions.  Disputes that can be easily solved through banking mediation include: debt collection, breach of contract, guarantor disputes, professional negligence, contributory negligence, liability issues, personal injuries, disputes on policies, assessment of damages, banking contracts, and liquidations.

December 17, 2012

How To Help Your Kids Survive Their First Holiday Season With Divorced Parents – Holidays are tough, even without the added stress of divorce. Whether you are in the middle of a divorce, or have just finalized a divorce, celebrating this year’s holiday season with your children may seem almost impossible. However, there are things that you can do to help your children survive their first holiday season with divorced parents, as well as to help them remember that this is a season of joy, appreciation and celebration.

Divorce Causes: 5 Ways To Destroy Your Marriage – A good friend of mine says that love is blind, but marriage restores your 20/20 vision. Regardless of romance, all marriages — at some point or another — will go through at least one major crisis.

Sports and Entertainment Mediation—When Privacy is of Utmost Importance

The benefits of sports and entertainment mediation to solve disputes are extensive.  First and foremost, in an industry that struggles to maintain the privacy of its talent, the discretion provided by mediation as a form of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) versus litigation can’t be overstated.  Second, in an industry where getting back to business as quickly as possible is absolutely necessary, and where patrons or consumers will lose interest if negotiations are stalled too long (meaning money lost on a grand scale) mediation provides a cost-effective solution that allows both sides involved in a conflict to reach a resolution as quickly as possible—in most cases, within a matter of days or weeks.

One of the most difficult issues faced by parties in conflict within the sports and entertainment industry is the different ways each party handles business and sets rules.  A talent agent has one way of dealing with things, while the talent has another.  A studio executive has one set of concerns, while the director or talent has an entirely different set.  This is why mediation with the help of a neutral, third party mediator can be such a useful tool in solving conflicts that might arise between the different groups involved in the sports and entertainment industry—from the executives, to the league owners, to the player and talent, to the technical and assistant crew that makes sure the show happens on time and without a hitch.

A mediator with extensive legal experience in the sports and entertainment industry understands how each facet works.  He or she is able to talk through issues and reframe the conflict in a way that helps each side understand more thoroughly.  A mediator is trained in helping everyone involved see the issue from each perspective, helping them to work together to reach a satisfactory conclusion for everyone involved.  After all, without the talent, the owners or executives wouldn’t be where they are, and vice versa.  It takes working together on a mutually agreeable solution for everyone involved to be happy with the result of the mediation process.