The Anatomy of Civil Rights Mediation

When a person believes that his or her civil rights were violated due to discrimination or harassment on the basis of their race, sex or nationality, were denied housing in violation of Fair Housing laws or otherwise had their state or federal civil rights violated, they may turn to mediation to help resolve these issues. This process involves many different steps, including the following:

Mediator’s Opening

The mediator will explain his or her role as a neutral third party who is there to guide the parties toward an amicable resolution of their legal issues. He or she will then provide ground rules on the respectful communication exchange and outline the process of mediation.

Party Opening

Each party involved in the dispute will then have an opportunity to explain their point of view, tell their side of the story, points of agreement and issues that need to be resolved. They may also express their hopes and expectations for a positive outcome.

Private Discussions

The mediator may separate the parties in different rooms and then meet with them one-on-one. During these meetings, the mediator will evaluate the strength of the case, help the parties understand the possible risks of ongoing litigation or conflict and suggest possible options to resolve the dispute.

Joint Negotiation

During this stage in mediation, the parties may meet together with the mediator to try to identify possible solutions to their legal issues. They may agree on mutual resolutions, such as agreeing not to speak negatively about the other or reinstatement. They can also brainstorm other possible solutions, such as reassignment of a harassing coworker, a public apology, a reference to an employee to help him or her get a new job or the award of severance pay or financial compensation.


The mediator will draw up a contract that outlines the agreements between the parties. Each party will then sign the contract and the mediation will end.


Understanding the Process of Social Security Disability Mediation

Understanding the Process of Social Security Disability Mediation

If a dispute arises in the context of Social Security Disability, the judge assigned to the case may order mediation or one of the parties may ask for it. Mediation is a confidential process in which the parties involved in a dispute try to resolve their differences through open communication with the assistance of a trained mediator.

Mediation is an opportunity for the claimant and Social Security representative to meet face to face. This can humanize the process and make the representative more aware of the claimant’s situation. Because the mediator is not a judge, he or she cannot impose a decision on the parties. Instead, the mediator’s role is as a facilitator. The mediator is an impartial person who helps the parties improve their communication. He or she encourages the parties to reach an amicable decision outside of court.


Mediation typically begins as a joint session. The mediator discusses ground rules and the confidentiality aspect of the proceeding. Each side then gives an opening statement about their view of the case. Then, the mediator may divide the parties into separate rooms. The mediator meets with each party individually, expresses his or her opinion on the strengths and weaknesses of their position and learns more about their side of the case. The mediator conveys offers and information back and forth between the parties. This is all conducted in order to help the parties reach an agreement of their case.

If the parties reach an agreement, this agreement is memorialized in writing and states the terms of the agreement. Important aspects of the agreement may include the finding of the disability onset date, the amount of back payments, the requirement for any additional medical evaluations and the payment of attorney’s fees from the award.

Student Loan Mediation Gives Parties Creative Options to Resolve Disputes

Student Loan Mediation Gives Parties Creative Options to Resolve Disputes

As the student loan crisis continues, some borrowers are looking for ways to better manage their student loan payments. Student loans are notoriously difficult to discharge, so students who want to make their payments must look to other alternatives if they encounter financial difficulty. More students are now taking advantage of the mediation process to resolve their student loan dilemma.

Mediation is a private and confidential process in which two parties involved in a dispute work together to reach a solution. A neutral mediator helps the parties understand the other’s position better and uses conflict resolution skills to improve their communication.

During mediation, the parties may be able to reach a mutual decision that benefits both of them. Often, mediation allows the parties to communicate more openly than they had before so that the lender can become better informed about the borrower’s situation.


The parties can explore creative options and are not limited by the decision that a court would make. For example, the student loan provider may be able to grant a special forbearance or deferment so that the borrower can get on better financial footing before resuming payments. Another option may be to extend the payments in order to make the monthly payment lower.

The lender may agree to modify the loan to make payments more manageable to the borrower. This may involve lowering the interest rate, increasing the repayment period, decreasing the monthly payment or taking other action that makes payments more manageable. In some situations, consolidating the loans may help the situation. In other situations, the lender might adjust the student loan structure so that the borrower can pay based on his or her actual income and expenses.

Legal Issues Resolved through Nursing Home Mediation

Since federal law prohibits nursing homes from requiring families to agree to pre-dispute arbitration, nursing homes have looked to other alternatives to resolve disputes. One effective alternative is mediation, a private process in which a neutral third party helps those involved in a dispute reach an amicable decision through open communication and collaboration.

Mediation has been used for years in the nursing home setting to resolve disputes, such as:

  • Liability cases – Mediation is often used in cases involving liability, negligence and medical malpractice. Mediation can evaluate what the standard of care was and if it was breached. It is also used in intentional tort cases when a nursing home employee assaults or otherwise harms a nursing home resident.
  • Breach of contract – Nursing homes enter into contracts with residents, their families, vendors and employees. Mediation often helps the parties better evaluate their position and reach an amicable decision.
  • Third party responsibility claims – In some situations, a third party may be to blame for a resident’s injury and the nursing home may be liable for this party’s actions. Mediation may be able to help the parties devise ways to better protect the resident.
  • Consumer protection claims – In some states, nursing home legal issues may involve consumer protection statutes. These statutes may provide an additional basis for recovery and may include the payment for attorney’s fees.
  • Employment disputes – Issues between employees and with employees may be resolved through mediation, which encourages better communication.

Because nursing home cases often involve heightened emotions and private issues, mediation is the ideal forum to resolve these disputes. A mediator with experience in these types of cases can ensure that all parties feel heard and respected so that they will be more likely to reach an amicable decision.

How Personal Injury Mediation Works

Mediation is an effective way to resolve legal disputes that save the parties time, money and frustration. The parties are aided by a third party neutral such as Neil Robertson who is often selected for his subject matter expertise. If mediation is successful, the case can come to its end and the victim can receive a faster settlement. The typical personal injury case will involve the following steps:

1. Selection of Mediator
One of the significant benefits of mediation is that the parties can choose their own mediator. In litigation, the parties are generally assigned a judge at random. For example, parties involved in mediation can choose someone who has experience in personal injury law like Neil Robertson, who has an extensive background in personal injury defense litigation, premises liability and products liability. A person with this background has greater authority in the practice area and can discuss the real strengths and weaknesses of the case. Once the parties agree on a mediator, the mediator schedules the mediation at an agreed upon date, time and location.

2. Preparation for Mediation
Before the mediation session, the parties will meet with their attorneys, discuss the process and learn what to expect. The victim will compile all evidence that supports his or her version of events and extent of damages. The insurance company may review what similar cases have settled for or compile evidence to minimize the value of the claim. The mediator will also send a mediation and confidentiality agreement to the parties. It is important that the parties understand that the pr3Socess is confidential and that if they do not reach an agreement that they cannot repeat the information discussed in mediation.

The parties’ lawyers will usually attend mediation with their clients. However, the parties may meet with their lawyers to discuss strategy. The accident victim may discuss a possible settlement range. He or she should also discuss any particular needs for settlement funds, such as annual distributions or putting the money in a trust. The defendant may also want to discuss strategy with his or her lawyer, such as a potential settlement value and a point when the defendant would prefer to take the case to trial.

3. Opening Statements
At mediation, the mediator will introduce the parties to each other. Typically, the victim will appear with his or her personal injury lawyer. The defense attorney and claims adjuster will also attend. He or she will describe the mediation process and the ground rules.

Next, each party will give an opening statement about their side of the case. The victim’s lawyer may give an estimated value of the case and the reason for this value. The defense responds with its own opening statement and why the perceived value is less. The opening statement is helpful for the mediator to understand the respective positions and for the parties to hear the perspective and evidence from the other side of the case.

4. Caucuses
After the opening statement, it is common for the parties to split up into different rooms for the remainder of mediation or for a substantial portion of the mediation process. The mediator meets with one party at a time, identifies the party’s interests and obtains important information about the case. The mediator goes back and forth between the parties.

During these private caucuses, the mediator asks questions to learn more about the case. The parties talk confidentially with the mediator and the mediator cannot share this information with the other side unless explicitly granted permission. Therefore, the personal injury victim or insurance adjuster may reveal information about the case that may not help the party but that lets the mediator know about a possible concern or wiliness to settle.

During these private sessions, the mediator also points out weaknesses to each party’s side of the case. The mediator will also suggest compromises. He or she will get the parties to reevaluate their positions and remind them of the risk of continuing litigation, such as an uncertain outcome, more time and greater expense. During these sessions, the parties may share evidence with the mediator, such as an expert witness report or evidence that the victim may have exaggerated injuries. This evidence will help the mediator evaluate the strength of the case and how a jury would likely react to the evidence.

5. Offers and Counteroffers
One party will open by making an offer that he or she would accept to end the case. The mediator communicates this offer to the other party. The other party usually responds with a counteroffer. This process may continue for a while. The mediator continues asking questions and tries to get the parties to reach an amicable solution. Mediators use conflict resolution skills to get the parties to minimize points of controversy between them and reduce negative feelings.

6. Settlement
If the parties are able to reach an agreement, the parties will sign a written agreement. This agreement will set out the terms of the settlement, including a dismissal of all claims in exchange for the settlement, the amount of the settlement, and the date or dates when the settlement funds will be disbursed. The parties’ attorneys prepare the necessary paperwork to file with the court to end the claim. The court will then dismiss the case once it has been resolved.

If the parties do not reach a settlement by the end of mediation, negotiations may still continue. The parties may come to an agreement at some point in the future. Even if the parties are not able to reach a settlement, they still gain valuable information at mediation, such as the strengths and weaknesses of their case, the evidence that will likely be introduced and how the parties will appear in front of a judge or jury. This added knowledge often helps the parties attain a more realistic outlook on their case.

If you would like to schedule personal injury mediation, contact Robertson Mediation.

Robertson Mediation