October 25, 2013

October 25, 2013

Foreclosure on Property After Bankruptcy? – Foreclosure: There are two common types of foreclosure in the United States — judicial and nonjudicial. Judicial foreclosure, as the word implies, requires the lender to go through the court system to take back ownership of the property. Nonjudicial foreclosure allows the lender to sell the property at a foreclosure auction, without court approval, after following a state-specific foreclosure process.

Average 30-year mortgage rate falls to 4.13% – Mortgage rates are now at four-month lows nationwide.

United States: Divorce May Be Contagious, Study Finds – Researchers at Brown University, headed by Rose McDermott, Ph.d., examined data on marriage, divorce and remarriage dating back thirty years set from the long-running Framingham, Massachusetts Heart Study. The results were staggering.  Study participants were 75 percent more likely to divorce if a friend divorces – that’s 75 percent!

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October 25, 2013