Automotive Accident Mediation: A Solution Everyone Can Live With

Image courtesy of Naypong /

When an automobile accident happens, the first steps many people take are call the police, call the insurance company, and then call a lawyer.  However, automotive accident mediation, one of the best steps that can be taken after the police and one’s insurance company have been called, is often left out of the picture—costing accident victims more time and money than they wanted to spend on something that wasn’t supposed to occur in the first place.

With automotive accident mediation, a third-party, non-biased mediator can assist all parties involved with making sure that a fair settlement is reached, whether the insurance company is involved or not.  With an automobile accident, injuries that have occurred could present problems down the road that might not be considered in the immediate present, causing long-term financial insecurity for people who could have prevented it through mediation.

Regardless of whether you and the other vehicles/people involved in the accident are insured, and regardless of whose fault the accident seems to be, calling an automotive accident mediator is always a good step to consider after contacting the police and one’s insurance company.  An automotive accident mediator will be able to direct all parties to the proper channels for claims and claims dispute resolution, saving everyone time and money in the process.

Litigating an automobile accident injury claim can require more money and time than it is worth, but mediating such a dispute is often hassle-free and cost-effective, with equally satisfactory results.  The confidential nature of automobile accident mediation also ensures that your claim will be dealt with privately and confidentially so that everyone involved can move on with their lives with a resolution that has been mutually determined.