Are hard financial times keeping couples from divorce?
Economic hardship may be keeping some couples from seeking out a divorce attorney.

A recent NPR article discussed the effects of the economic downturn on marriages and the reasons behind the trend. The same reason that many couples may want to divorce is the same reason that is keeping an increasing amount of them together. As the recession hurt families, many of them found themselves increasingly fighting over money, leading to the desire for divorce. However, those money problems also meant that many couples contemplating divorce couldn’t afford it. The basic filing fees for a divorce case can be up to several hundred dollars, even without either party being represented by a divorce lawyer.
As a result, a NPR survey found that more than 20% of all Americans out of work for over a year report having a worse relationship with their partner. A similar article survey noted that for every 1% increase in the unemployment rate, the divorce rate goes down by 1%. Additionally, the CDC reported that 25% of women say they’ve been physically abused by their husbands or boyfriends.
The first two statistics tend to show that many couples have passed the point of wanting to be married, but they can’t afford to. Additionally, the cost of moving out for one party might be too great, meaning that the unhappy couple must then stay living together, even after they’ve passed the point of wanting to stay together. This is likely borne out by the third statistic.
If nothing else, these sobering statistics should be a cautionary tale to anyone thinking of getting married, especially if you are already having financial problems. There is also the danger of couples that are unable to work together to find a solution trying to work out a divorce. A divorce attorney can be crucial to both make sure that their client’s interests are properly represented, as well as potentially mediating with the other party’s representation.
Posted by:
Christopher Acklin Esq.
Grand Rapids, Michigan