Adolfo M. Corona

Government, Mediation
6051 North Fresno Street, Suite 200
Fresno, California 93710



1986, California and U.S. District Court, Eastern, Southern, Central and Northern Districts of California

Law School

University of California at Berkeley and Boalt Hall, J.D., 1985

Law School Graduation Year



University of California at Berkeley and Boalt Hall, A.B., Political Science, with high honors, 1981


Fresno County (Board of Directors, 1993; Member, Sections on: Agricultural Law; Construction Law) and American Bar Associations; State Bar of California (Delegate, Fresno County); Fresno County Young Lawyers Association (Board of Directors, 1989-1993; Secretary/Treasurer, 1989-1990; First Vice President/President Elect, 1990-1991; President, 1991-1992); Central California Bankruptcy Association.


President, Fowler Unified School District Board of Trustees, 1993-1994 and 1997-1998. Member: State Center Community College District Board of Trustees, 2000—; Men's Adult Baseball League All Star Team; Fresno, Hispanic and Fowler Chambers of Commerce; Lion's Club (Fowler); Graduate, Leadership Fresno Class X; Judge Pro Tempore, Fresno County Courts, 1992—. Member, 1991-2000 and President, 1998, Fresno County School Board of Trustees Association. Panelist, Creditor Remedies, National Business Institute Seminars. Board Member, Catholic Professional and Business Breakfast Club.
