1959, District of Columbia; 1960, Pennsylvania; registered to practice before the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
Law School
George Washington University, J.D., with honors, 1959
Law School Graduation Year
Drexel University, B.S. in Ch.E., 1955
Philadelphia and American Bar Associations; Philadelphia Intellectual Property Law Association (Member, Board of Governors, 1979-1981); American Intellectual Property Law Association.
Tau Beta Pi; Tau Epsilon Rho (Member, Executive Committee, 1978-1994). Certified by Federal Court for Early Mediation Program. Lecturer: Current Developments in Patent Law, Practicing Law Institute, 1976, 1980 and 1982; Patent Trial Advocacy, National Institute of Trial Advocacy, American Bar Association, November 1984; Pennsylvania Continuing Legal Education, 1995-1997, 2000; Lecturer for Evening Program, Temple University Law School, 1985-1992; Lecturer for CLE Credit on patent and other Intellectual Property topics, 1994-2000. Co-Course Planner for CLE Program sponsored by Pennsylvania Bar Institute, March 22 and 23, 2000. Adjunct Professor, Patent Law, Drexel University, 1998—. Adjunct Professor, Patent Litigation, Temple University Law School, 2000—. Member, Civil Service Commission of Abington Township, 1975-1978. Member, Board of Governors, Philadelphia Patent Law Association, 1979-1981. Member, Board of Governors, Jewish Employment Vocational Service (JEVS), 1979-1988 and 1992-1995 and Assistant Secretary, 1988-1992. Chairman, Subcommittee for Revision of Model State Trademark Act, U.S. Trademark Association, 1984-1985. Member of Panel and Speaker, Joint Patent Law Association Conference, 1985, 1988 and 1996-1997. Special Trademark Counsel: Pop Warner Little Scholars, Inc., 1970-1993; Big Brothers/Big Sisters of America, 1978-1993. Member of Board of Trustees, Pop Warner Little Scholars, Inc., 1992, 1993.