Allen C. Schlinsog Jr.

Commercial, Mediation
1000 North Water Street, P.O. Box 2965
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 532012965



1991, Illinois; 1992, U.S. District Court, Northern District of Illinois; 1995, Wisconsin and U.S. District Court, Eastern and Western Districts of Wisconsin

Law School

John Marshall Law School, J.D., magna cum laude, 1991

Law School Graduation Year



University of Wisconsin, B.S., Russian Language/International Relations Soviet Area Studies, 1988


Milwaukee, Illinois State and American Bar Associations; State Bar of Wisconsin.


Order of John Marshall. Recipient, Herzog Scholarship for Academic Excellence, 1989-1991. Student Publications Editor, 1990-1991, and Editorial Staff Member, 1989-1990, J. Marshall L. Rev. Counsel, National Trial Team, 1990-1991. Author: The City of Chicago 'Flood' Litigation, 34 Mun. Atty. 34 (1993); Advent Systems Ltd. v. Unisys Corp: UCC Governs Software Transactions, 4 Software L.J. 611 (1991); Allegheny v. American Civil Liberties Union: The Supreme Court Defines the Parameters of Permissible Censorship Based on the Establishment Clause, 3 St. Thomas L. Forum 147 (1991); The Suicidal Decedent: Culpable Wrongdoer Or Wrongfully Deceased? 24 J. Marshall L. Rev. 463 (1991).
