Arthur C. Johnson

Personal Injury, Mediation
10th Floor, Citizens Building, 975 Oak Street
Eugene, Oregon 974013124

Personal Injury


1953, Oregon

Law School

Harvard Law School, LL.B., 1953

Law School Graduation Year



University of Oregon, B.S., 1950


Lane County (President, 1971-1972) and American (Member, House of Delegates, 1982-1987) Bar Associations; Oregon State Bar (Member, Board of Governors, 1979-1982; President, 1981-1982; Chairman, Procedure and Practice Committee, 1970; Chairman, Uniform Jury Instruction Committee, 1975; Director, Professional Liability Fund, 1977-1979; 1982-1985); American Judicature Society (Member, Board of Directors, 1983-1985); The Association of Trial Lawyers of America (Oregon Governor, 1989-1996); Oregon Trial Lawyers Association (President, 1988-1989); American Board of Trial Advocates (Oregon Chapter President, 1978)


Co-Editor: Oregon Law of Torts, 1981 and Revised Editions, 1987, 1993; 1996; Insurance Practice in Oregon, Part III, 1969; Damages, 1965. Member, Oregon Land Conservation and Development Commission, 1991-1994; Governors's Willamette Greenway Commission, Chairman, 1975-1978. Fellow: American Bar Foundation; American College of Trial Lawyers; Lawyers Representation, Ninth Circuit Judicial Conference, 1986-1989; American Inns of Court.
