Benjamin R. Norris

Public Policy, Mediation
One Renaissance Square, Two North Central Avenue
Phoenix, Arizona 850042391

Public Policy


1987, Arizona

Law School

Northwestern University, J.D., 1986

Law School Graduation Year



Yale University, B.A., 1983


Maricopa County and American (Member, Litigation Section) Bar Associations; State Bar of Arizona (Member, Bankruptcy Section); National Association of Bankruptcy Trustees.


Member, Northwestern University Law Review, 1984-1986. Author: The E-Trail, Small Business Times, November 9, 2001; Writing to Win, Arizona Attorney, December, 2000; Comments on Recent Developments in Bankruptcy Tax Law, Tax Section of the State Bar of Arizona's Tax News, Vol. 5, No. 3, September, 1998; When a Secured Lender's Borrower Goes into Bankruptcy (Parts I and II), Arizona Society of CPA's NewsLedger, Vol. 12, Nos. 7 and 8, September and October, 1996; Basic Bankruptcy Problems for Creditors, Arizona Society of CPAs' NewsLedger, Vol. 12, No. 1, January, 1996; Net Operating Losses Under the Bankruptcy Code and the Internal Revenue Code: Property of the Bankruptcy Estate, or Property of the Debtor's Former Parent Corporation? National Association of Bankruptcy Trustees' NABTalk, Vol. 10, No. 3, 1994. Trial Attorney, U.S. Department of Justice, Tax Division, 1989-1993.
