Beth C. Boggs

Employment, Mediation
7912 Bonhomme, Suite 400 (Clayton)
Saint Louis, Missouri 631051912



1991, Illinois; 1992, Missouri, U.S. District Court, Eastern District of Missouri, U.S. District Court, Southern and Central Districts of Illinois and U.S. Court of Appeals, Seventh Circuit

Law School

Southern Illinois University, J.D., magna cum laude, 1991

Law School Graduation Year



Governors State University, B.A., 1987


St. Clair County, Illinois State and American Bar Associations; The Missouri Bar; The Bar Association of Metropolitan St. Louis; The Lawyers Association of St. Louis; Missouri Organization of Defense Lawyers; Womens Lawyers Association; Defense Research Institute.


Phi Kappa Phi. Recipient, Antitrust Award. Adjunct Professor, Webster University. Author: Hypnotically Enhanced Testimony: Has it Lost Its Charm? S.I.U.L.J. Winter Edition 1991; Lost Chance of Survival; Should The Courts Ever Tinker With Chance? S.I.U.L.J. Winter Ed. 1992; Rethinking the Bar on Hypnotically Enhanced Testimony, Illinois Bar Journal March 1993; Missouri Discovers Lost Chance of Recovery, Journal of The Missouri Bar, May-June 1993; Survey of Illinois Law: Civil Procedure S.I.U.L.J. Survey, 1995, The Validity of Territorial Restrictions on Uninsured Motorist Coverage in Missouri, 50 Journal of the Missouri Bar 181 (1994); Determining Diligence in Service of Process; Patience Is Not A Virtue, Ill. B. J. 188 (1996); Understanding The Illinois Medical Studies Act, 82 Ill. B. Journal 422 (1994); Mastering The Obvious: The Open and Obvious Doctrine in Illinois, VOL 85 Ill. B Journal 28 (1997); Just Say No: Avoiding The Pitfalls in Denial of Coverage, 52 J. of Mo. Bar 110 (1996); Public Policy v. Policy Exclusions, 57 Journal of the Missouri Bar 16 (2001); An Insurer's Rights in Illinois Under The Common Fund Doctrine, 89 Ill. Bar Journal 242 (2001); Settlements With Minors and Incompetents, MO Bar Litigation Settlements CLE Deskbook (2001); Survey of Illinois Law: Civil Procedure, S.I.U.L.J. Survey Edition, 1995; Survey of Illinois Law: Insurance, S.I.U.L.J. Survey Edition, 1999; Survey of Illinois Law: Torts, S.I.U.L.J. Survey Edition, 2000; Survey of Illinois Law: Torts, SIULJ Survey Edition 2001 Survey of Illinois Law: Insurance, SIULJ Survey Edition, 2001. Co-Author: Survey of Health Law, S.I.U.L.J. Survey Edition, 1992; Criminal Convictions Do Not Equal Intentional Acts, 25 S.I.U. Law Journal 281 (2001); Primary Insurers' Duty to Exercise Good Faith Toward Excess-Insurance Carriers, Vol. 90 Ill. B.J. 18 (2002).
