C. Frederick Koenig III

Intellectual Property, Mediation
United Plaza, Suite 1600, 30 South 17th Street
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103

Intellectual Property


1979, Massachusetts; 1980, Connecticut; 1982, Pennsylvania; 1984, U.S. District Court, Eastern District of Pennsylvania and U.S. Court of Appeals, 3rd Circuit; 1985, U.S. Court of Appeals, 4th Circuit; 1986, U.S. Supreme Court; 1988, U.S. District Court,

Law School

Suffolk University, J.D., 1979

Law School Graduation Year



Worcester Polytechnic Institute, B.S. in Math., with honors, 1974; Pennsylvania State University, M.


Pennsylvania and American (Member, Intellectual Property Law Section; Chair: 2002 Summer Intellectual Property Conference, Patent Division, 2000-2001; Copyright Division, 1999-2000; Copyright and New Technology Committee, 1984-1986; Special Committee on Publications, 1986-1991; Membership Committee, 1991-1993; Special Committee on RICO, 1994-1995; Copyright Office Affairs Committee, 1997-1999; Editor, ABA-IPL Spring CLE Program, 1991-1994; IPL Section Council, 1995-1997) Bar Associations; Philadelphia Intellectual Property Law Association; The Copyright Society of the U.S.A.; International Trademark Association (Member, Committees on: Publications, 1988-1989, Education, 1993-1995; Information Services, 1996-2000; Meetings, 2000-2001; BNEF Nominating Committee, 2000—); Philadelphia Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts.


Phi Delta Phi. Recipient, Nathan Burkan Memorial Competition. Author: Software Copyright: The Conflict Within CONTU, 27 Bull. Copr. Soc'y 340, Item 601, 1980. Adjunct Lecturer, Ideas, Computers and Law, Temple University School of Business and Management, 1987-1992.
