1961, Pennsylvania
Law School
University of Pennsylvania, LL.B., cum laude, 1960
Law School Graduation Year
Amherst College, B.A., 1955
Philadelphia (Secretary, Section of Taxation, 1972-1973) and American (Chairman, Subcommittee on Current Legislation, Committee on Real Estate Tax Problems, Section of Taxation, 1969-1973) Bar Associations.
Author: Gifts Subject to Donee Payment of Tax: Timing, Risks and Computations, 27 N.Y.U. Annual Institute on Federal Taxation 375 (1969). Co-Author: Taxability of Straw Corporations in Real Estate Transactions, 22 Tax Lawyer 647 (1969); Tax Treatment of Distributions of Stock Under the Tax Reform Act of 1969, The Philadelphia Lawyer, Vol. 7, No. 2, July 1970; Contingent Stock vs. Escrowed Stock: Which Method Should the Practitioner Use? Journal of Taxation, Oct. 1970. Guest Lecturer, Tax Planning for Real Estate Transactions, Villanova University Graduate Tax Program, 1981. Lecturer, N.Y.U. Twenty-Seventh Annual Institute on Federal Taxation, 1968; University of Pennsylvania Ninth Annual Tax Conference, 1969; Practicing Law Institute, 1971; Fifth Annual Southern Federal Tax Institute, 1979. Member, Governor's Special Tax Commission, Pennsylvania, 1980. Co-Chairman: Mayor's Special Tax Committee, Philadelphia, 1982; Select Commission, United States Embassy in Bern, Switzerland, 1985. Commissioner, Delaware River Port Authority, 1986-1987. Director, Pennsylvanians for Effective Government, 1988-1999. Member, Pennsylvania Electoral College, 1988. Member, Board of Directors and Executive Committee, Greater Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce, 1988-1996. Member, Region I Advisory Board, Resolution Trust Corporation, 1990-1993. Member, Board of Directors, The Pennsylvania Society, 1991-1998. Member, Board of Trustees, Thomas Jefferson University, 1988—. Finance Committee Member and Leadership Committee Member, Pennsylvania Republican State Committee, 1984—. Member, Board of Directors, Provident National Bank, 1988-1992. Member, Advisory Board, PNC, Philadelphia, 1992-2000. Member, Board of Directors, Police Athletic League of Philadelphia, 1988-1992. Trustee, Pop Warner Little Scholars, 1982—. Recipient, Pop Warner Gold Football Award, 1988.