Clifford B. Hearn Jr.

Personal Injury, Mediation
606 Market Street Mall, P.O. Box 1205
Wilmington, Delaware 19899

Personal Injury


1962, Virginia; 1965, U.S. Supreme Court and U.S. Claims Court; 1966, Delaware

Law School

University of Virginia, LL.B., 1962

Law School Graduation Year



University of Delaware, B.A., with distinction, 1959


Delaware State (Member, Professional Ethics Committee, 1968-1983) and American Bar Associations; Virginia State Bar.


Sigma Nu Phi. Assistant City Solicitor, City of Wilmington, 1966-1967. Town Solicitor: Town of Odessa, 1973-1974 and 1994—; Town of Townsend, 1994—; Town of Elsmere, 1977-1985. Member: House of Representatives, 1968-1972; Governor's Task Force on Community Schools, 1969; Revenue Study Commission of the State of Delaware, 1973; Long-Range Planning Committee of the Courts by appointment of the Chief Justice, 1974-1978; Governor's Task Force to Revise Medical Malpractice Laws, 1975; Delaware Health Care Injury Insurance Study Commission, 1976; Workmen's Compensation Commission, State of Delaware, 1978-1980. Counsel to Governor's Commission for Revision of Public Utility Laws, 1974. Chairman: Violent Crimes Compensation Board, State of Delaware, 1975-1985; Wilmington Charter Revision Commission, 1978-1983. Vice-President, National Association on Crime Victim's Compensation, 1980-1982. Member, Workers Compensation Advisory Council, 1997—.


Capt., Judiciary Defense Appellate Division, U.S. Army, 1962-1965