1978, Massachusetts; 1979, New Jersey; 1986, U.S. Supreme Court; 1995, U.S. Court of Appeals, Third Circuit
Law School
Boston University, J.D., 1978
Law School Graduation Year
Lafayette College, A.B., 1975
New Jersey State (Director, Corporate and Business Law Section, 1985-1994; Chairman, ECRA Committee, 1985-1991; Member, Environmental Law Section), American (Member, Environment, Energy and Resources Section; Former Vice Chair, Solid and Hazardous Waste Committee and Brownfields Liaison) Bar Associations.
Law Clerk to Honorable William A. Dreier and Honorable James H. Coleman, Jr., 1978-1979. Ward Bowie, Solicitors, London, England, 1979-1981. Author, Books: ISRA Compliance: Environmental Issues in Transactions and Brownfield Development (5th Ed.), ICLE, 1999, 2000, 2003; ECRA/ISRA Compliance, ICLE, 1985, 1988, 1993; New Jersey Underground Storage Tank Law, ICLE, 1987, 1990. Author, Transaction-Triggered Environmental Laws, Environmental Aspects of Real Estate Transactions, SEER 3rd Ed., 1999. ECRA/ISRA Compliance, Matthew Bender New Jersey Transaction Guide, 1985-1989, 1994. Co-Author: with Hon. William A. Dreier and Hannah Goldman, Esq., Products Liability and Toxic Tort Law in New Jersey: A Practitioner's Guide, ICLE, 1988, 1990. Selected Articles: Brownfields Redevelopment Initiatives and Transaction-Triggered Environmental Laws: Latest Developments and Contractual Allocation of Environmental Risks in Transactions: Case Law Developments, ALI-ABA Course Materials; The Impact of Environmental Law on Real Estate and Business Transactions: Brownfields & Beyond, October 2003; Statutory and Equitable Defenses to CERCLA Private Cost Recovery Actions, ABA Course Materials Annual RCRA/CERCLA Update, 1999; Industrial Site Recovery Act: New Jersey's Chosen Road to ECRA Reform, Toxics Law Reporter, Vol. 8 No. 5, July 7, 1993; U.S. States Lead Commercial Cleanups and Superfund Law Cleans Up the States, Law Society (England) Gazette, September 12 and October 3, 1990, Vol. 87 Nos. 32 and 35; Transaction-Triggered ECRA: The New Wave in Cleanup Law, National Law Journal: February 27, 1989, Vol. 11. No. 25; ECRA Verdict: The Successes and Failures of the Premiere Transaction-Triggered Environmental Law, 5 Pace Environmental Law Review, Number 1, Fall, 1987; Protecting Business Clients Against Prospective Environmental Legislation, The Practical Lawyer, ALI-ABA, July, 1987; Top Ten List of Practical ECRA Reforms, 130 New Jersey L.J. 961, March 23, 1992; ECRA Developments, 118 New Jersey L.