David E. Nash

Government, Mediation
3900 Key Center, 127 Public Square
Cleveland, Ohio 441141291



1981, Ohio; 1985, U.S. Supreme Court; 1990, U.S. Court of Appeals, Sixth Circuit

Law School

Duke University, J.D., with honors, 1981

Law School Graduation Year



Wake Forest University, B.A., magna cum laude, 1978


Cleveland (Chair, Environmental Law Section, 1997-1998) and Ohio State (Chair, Environmental Law Committee, 1999-2001) Bar Associations.


Phi Beta Kappa. Fellow, Ohio State Bar Foundation, Class of 2001. Listed in: The Best Lawyers in America. Co-Author: A Guide to EPA's Permit Application Requirements for Stormwater Discharges, The Practical Real Estate Lawyer 13 (1991); Superfund Site Apportionment of Liability, Natural Resources and Environment, Vol. 12, American Bar Association, Summer 1997; Ohio Environmental Law, 1992-1993. Author: Negotiating for Protection Against Environmental Risks in Business Transactions, Cleveland Bar Journal, Vol. 68, July/August, 1997. Chapter Author: Ohio's Voluntary Real Estate Reuse and Cleanup Program: Amended Substitute Senate Bill 221, Wiley Environmental Law Update, 1996. Lecturer: Society of Mining Engineers Annual Meeting @ Environmental Compliance Programs, Denver, Colorado, 2000; Legal Co-chair, Ohio EPA Inland Spills Conference, 1999; Ohio State Bar Associations Environmental Law Seminar, 1991, 1992, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 2000-2003; Disaster Planning and Crisis Management, The Network of Trial Law Firms, Inc., 1996; Environmental Regulation in Ohio, The Institute of Business Law, 1993-1994; The Chemical Manufacturers Association Toxic Tort Symposium, 1993; Cleveland Bar Association Environmental Law Institutes, 1991-1996, Chair, 1997.
