1974, Washington; 1975, Alaska
Law School
University of Washington, J.D., 1974
Law School Graduation Year
Whitman College, B.A., 1966
Alaska Bar Association (Member, Section on Native Law, Executive Committee, 1984—).
Associate Professor, Native Studies and Political Science, University of Alaska at Fairbanks, 1982-1984. Author: Alaska Natives and American Laws, University of Alaska Press, 1984, 2002 eds. Board Member, 1985-1991, Secretary-Treasurer, 1986-1987 and President, 1990-1991, Alaska Legal Services Corporation. Board Member, 1999— and Secretary, 2000-2002, Anchorage Opera. Member, Board of Visitors, Northwestern School Of Law, 1994—. Chief Counsel, Berger Commission, 1984-1985. Recipient, Alaska Federation of Natives Denali Award, 1998 (In Appreciation for Dedication and Service to the Alaska Native Community). (Resident, Anchorage, Alaska Office)