Law School
Detroit College of Law, J.D., 1976
Law School Graduation Year
Michigan State University, B.A., cum laude, 1970
Detroit, Oakland County (Member, Circuit Court Committee, 1986-1989; Probate Estate and Trust Committee, 1989—); Vice Chairman, 1992-1993; Chairman, 1993-1994); Public Advisory Committee on Judicial Candidates, 1991-1996), Macomb County (Member, Probate Bar Association, 1994—) and American (Member: Estate and Trust Litigation Committee; Real Property, Probate and Trust Law Section) Bar Associations; State Bar of Michigan; Financial and Estate Planning Council of Metropolitan Detroit, Inc.
Author: The Right to a Nonjury Trial in Probate Court, 307 Laches 20, August, 1991. Lecturer: Mean What You Say, Say What You Mean: Litigating Document Construction, 42nd Annual Probate and Estate Planning Institute, ICLE, 2002; Pre and Post Mortem Steps to 'Protect Clients' Estate Plans Against Will and Trust Contests, Institute of Continuing Legal Education Advanced Estate Planning Institute, 1992. Co-Author: Recent Michigan Decisions Regarding Fiduciary Litigation, 404 Laches 9, September 1999. Commissioner, City of Birmingham, 2001—. Mayor Pro Tem, 2003.