Donald H. Clarke

Environmental, Mediation
1500 K Street, N.W., Suite 330
Washington, District of Columbia 20005



1975, New York; 1977, District of Columbia

Law School

Cornell University, J.D., 1974

Law School Graduation Year



Stanford University, A.B., 1971; University of Hamburg


The District of Columbia Bar; New York State, Energy and American Bar Associations.


Author: The Hydropower Development Boom: A Legal Perspective, Federal Bar News & Journal, 1982; FERC Licensing: Taking Steps in the Right Direction, Hydro Review, June, 1990; Hydropower into the Mainstream: A View from the Potomac, Hydro Review, April, 1992; Relicensing Hydropower: The Many Faces of Competition, Natural Resources & Environment, Vol. 11, No. 2, Fall, 1996. Senior Legal Advisor to the Chairman, Federal Energy Regulation Commission, 1988-1989. Legal Advisor to Commissioner Naeve, FERC, 1986-1988. Deputy Assistant General Counsel, FERC, 1983-1985. Washington D.C. Representative for Northwest Hydroelectric Association; General Counsel, National Hydropower Association. Executive Director, U.S. Hydropower Council for International Development.
