1976, Nebraska; 1979, U.S. Supreme Court; 1980, U.S. Tax Court and U.S. Claims Court ; 1983, Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit; 1984, Ohio; 1987, U.S. District Court, Southern District of Ohio
Law School
University of Nebraska at Lincoln, J.D., 1975
Law School Graduation Year
Syracuse, University, B.S., 1968; Syracuse, University, M.B.A., 1970
Dayton, Ohio State, Federal and American (Member, Public Contract Section, Officer, Past Chair) Bar Associations; National Defense Industrial Association
Author: Defective Pricing Review, NCMA Magazine, (April 1992); Claim Certification: Who Can Certify?, NCMA Magazine; The Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act, NCMA Magazine; Equal Access to Justice Act, ABA Monograph; Practitioner Comment: ASBCA Finds No Benefit to Government from Defense of Shareholder's Suite, The Government Contractor; Current Controversies Under the Truth in Negotiations Act, Costs, Pricing and Accounting Report, Federal Publications, Inc. Chair, ABA Section of Public Contract Law, 1993-1994. Legislative Testimony: Senate Armed Services and Governmental Affairs Committees, Federal Acquisition Streamlining Act of 1994; House Armed Services Committee and Senate Governmental Affairs Committee, Truth in Negotiations Act; Senate Judiciary Committee, 1993 Amendments to the False Claim Act. Director and Fellow, National Contract Management Association. Governor, Boards of Contract Appeals Bar Association; Board of Directors, National Aviation Hall of Fame; Chair, Board of Trustees, United States Air and Trade Show. Advisory Board, Federal Publications, Inc. Fellow, National Contract Management Association.