Donald L. Cox

Commercial, Mediation
Aegon Center, 400 West Market Street, Suite 2200
Louisville, Kentucky 40202



1970, Kentucky; 1971, U.S. Claims Court; 1974, U.S. Supreme Court; 1986, District of Columbia; registered to practice before U.S. Patent and Trademark Office

Law School

University of Louisville, J.D., with honors, 1970

Law School Graduation Year



University of Louisville, B.S., 1966


Louisville, Kentucky and Federal Bar Associations.


Phi Alpha Delta. Associate Editor, Journal of Family Law, 1969-1970. Author: The Ununiform Reciprocal Enforcement of Support Act, Journal of Family Law, 1970; Bench Manual for Lower Court Judges in Kentucky, 1973; Labor Relations in the Federal Sector, Bureau of National Affairs, 1980; Patents - Valuable Business Assets, Kentucky Bench and Bar, Fall, 1988; The Shapero Ruling: What Does it Mean? ABA Bar Leader, Sept/Oct., 1988. Assistant City Law Director, City of Louisville, 1974-1978. Assistant General Counsel, Department of Housing and Urban Development, 1978-1979. Member, U.S. Regulatory Counsel, 1979. Deputy General Counsel, Merit System Protection Board, 1979-1980. General Counsel, Louisville and Jefferson County Riverport Authority, 1987—.
