Emmanuel Ogwude is founder and Executive Director of WVCPC. His professional experience spans over 20 years of developing and overseeing private non-profit and for profit businesses. With over 12 years in higher education, teaching in the humanities and coordinating international student and scholar programs. Dr. Ogwude specializes in business communication and documentary film and video production. He holds a bachelor’s degree in marketing communication from DePaul University, a master’s in film and video from Columbia College, Chicago, and Ph.D. in Conflict Analysis & Resolution from Nova Southeastern University. His research focus is on the human costs of war and conflict with particular interest on the war on terror, the radicalization and militarization of youths. Dr. Ogwude spent time in Kabul Afghanistan with Afghan humanitarian aid workers to understand the impacts of the war on terror in the lives of Afghans. He is a strong advocate for the eradication of structural violence and conditions that frustrate and deny individuals abilities to provide their basic needs, for international education and diversity, and reversing the consequences of brain drain, which disadvantage less developed nations and create conditions that lead to insecurities around the world.