Gary I. Resnick

Government, Mediation
2665 South Bayshore Drive, Suite 420
Miami, Florida 33133



1985, New Jersey and Pennsylvania; 1988, District of Columbia; 1995, Florida

Law School

Rutgers University, J.D., with honors, 1985

Law School Graduation Year



Bucknell University, B.A., 1982


National Association of Telecommunications Officers and Advisors; Florida League of Cities Transportation and Urban Administration Committee (Chair, 2002-2003); National League of Cities Information Technology and Communications Steering Committee; Florida League of Cities Telecommunications and Utilities Policy Committee (Chair, 2001-2002); Alzheimer's Family Center (Vice President); Children's Home Society.


Associate Editor, Rutgers Law Journal, 1984-1985. Judicial Clerk to the Hon. Susan H. Black, U.S. District Court, Middle District of Florida, Jacksonville, 1985-1987. Adjunct Professor, National Law Center, George Washington University, 1990-1991. Co-Author: Florida Communications Services Tax and the Digital Subscriber Line: To Tax or Not To Tax? Florida Bar Journal, April 2003. Author: Before All Havoc Breaks Out... The Need for Local Governments to Regulate the Use of their Rights-of-Way Under Florida's Communications Services Tax Simplification Law, The Agenda, City, County & Local Government Law Section, Florida Bar, May 2001. City Councilman, 1998-2000, 2002— and Vice Mayor, 2000-2002, Wilton Manors, Florida. (Resident, Fort Lauderdale Office)
