1970, Nevada; 1971, U.S. District Court, District of Nevada and U.S. Court of Appeals, Ninth Circuit
Law School
University of Colorado, J.D., 1970
Law School Graduation Year
University of Nevada, B.A., 1967
Washoe County (President, 1983-1984) and American Bar Associations; State Bar of Nevada (Chairman, Family Law Section; Lecturer, Various Topics, 1995—); Nevada Trial Lawyers Association; American College of Family Law Trial Lawyers; Fellow: American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers (Member, Bounds of Advocacy Committee; Client Handbook Committee, 1991—; American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers Foundation, Treasurer, 1997-1998).
Lecturer: Tracing and Appointment, Nevada Society of CPAs, September, 1995; Attorney's Fees, FLS Annual Seminar, March 1996; Child Custody and Visitation in Nevada, National Business Institute, September, 1991; Panelist, Hot Tips from the Experts ABA Convention, August, 1991. Author: Putting the Book on the Stand, How to Cross-Examine with an Authoritative Text, Family Advocate, Vol. 10, No. 1, Summer, 1987. Instructor, Course in Family Law for New Admittees, Bridging the Gap, 1986—. Panelist, LEI Seminar, Winning for your Client - Psychological Aspects of Divorce, the Initial Interview and Trial Preparation, June, 1990. Assistant District Attorney, Reno, Nevada, 1970-1971. City Attorney and Assistant District Attorney, Winnemucca, Nevada, 1974-1976. Judge Pro Tempore: Sparks Municipal Court, 1979—; Reno Municipal Court, 1978—. Washoe County Pro Bono Law Firm of the Year, 1996-1997. Pro Bono Lawyer of the Year, 1992. Best Lawyers in America.