Gordon A. Carpenter

Intellectual Property, Mediation
91 Friendship Street
Providence, Rhode Island 029033837

Intellectual Property


1966, Massachusetts; 1983, Rhode Island

Law School

University of Virginia, LL.B., 1966

Law School Graduation Year



Amherst College, A.B., 1963


Rhode Island (Member, Business Organizations Committee) and American Bar Associations.


Order of the Coif. Member, Editorial Board, Virginia Law Review, 1965-1966. Author: The Limited Liability Company: A New Business Entity for Rhode Island, Rhode Island Bar Journal. Vol. XL, No. 9, June 1992. Lecturer on limited liability companies and other business entities: Rhode Island Bar Association; National Business Institute. Member, Trustee and Past Chairman, Northern Rhode Island Chamber of Commerce. Member, Board of Directors and Executive Committee, Visiting Nurse Service of Greater Rhode Island. Board of Directors, Rhode Island Manufacturing Extension Services, Inc., Main Street 2000 Development Corporation.
