J. Christopher Carraway

Intellectual Property, Mediation
One World Trade Center, Suite 1600, 121 S.W. Salmon Street
Portland, Oregon 97204

Intellectual Property


1996, Wisconsin and Oregon; U.S. Court of Appeals, Federal Circuit; 1997, U.S. District Court, Eastern and Western Districts of Wisconsin, U.S. Court of Appeals, Seventh Circuit; 1999, Colorado; 2000, U.S. District Court, District of Oregon

Law School

Duke University School of Law, J.D., with high honors, 1995

Law School Graduation Year



Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, B.S., magna cum laude, Economics, 1992



Law Clerk, Honorable William C. Bryson, U.S. Court of Appeals, Federal Circuit (1995-1996). Order of the Coif. Editor-in-chief, Law and Contemporary Problems, 1994-1995. Associate Editor, Federal Circuit Bar Journal, 1998—. Author: The Uncertain Future of Enforcing Patents Broadened through Reissue, 8 Federal Circuit Bar Journal 63 (1998); Offer to Sell Amendment Expands Forum Options for Patent Infringement Actions, National Law Journal, Jan. 26, 1998 at C8; Color as a Trademark Under the Lanham Act, 57 Law & Contemp. Probs. 243 (Autumn 1994). Law Clerk, Hon. William C. Bryson, U.S. Court of Appeals, Federal Circuit, 1995-1996.
