Law School
Harvard University, J.D., 1973
Law School Graduation Year
Pennsylvania State University, B.S., Mining Engineering with highest distinction, 1970
Denver, Colorado (Member, Mineral and Environmental Sections) and American (Member, Natural Resources Section) Bar Associations; Society of Mining Engineers of the American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers; Colorado Mining Association; Independent Petroleum Association of Mountain States (Member, Executive Committee and Chairman, Legal Committee); Denver Coal Club (President, 1987); Colorado Hazardous Waste Management Society.
Tau Beta Pi; Sigma Tau; Phi Kappa Phi; Phi Delta Kappa. Author: Federal Coal Leasing and Land Management, Chapter in Coal Law and Regulation, Matthew Bender and Co., 1983. Contributing Author: American Law of Mining, 2d., Chaps. 22-27, Federal Coal Leasing, Matthew Bender and Co.