Law School
Cumberland School of Law, J.D., 1971
Law School Graduation Year
Auburn University, B.S., 1967
Birmingham Estate Planning Council
Member of Staff, Cumberland-Samford Law Review, 1970-1971. Author: Major Changes in 1981 Economic Recovery Tax Act Requires Revision of Nearly All Estate Plans, The Alabama Lawyer, Volume 43, No. 3, July, 1982; An Inflation-Proof Rent Adjustment Clause for Commercial Leases, The Practical Lawyer, Volume 29, No. 6, September, 1983; Planning for the Purchase and Sale of a Business Operated as a C Corporation, The Birmingham Bar Association Bulletin, Volume 22, No. 2, Summer, 2001. Adjunct Professor of Decedents Trusts and Estates, 1972-1973; Business Planning, 1979-1980; Commercial Real Estate Transactions, 1981-1982; Contemporary Estate Planning, 1984-1986, at Cumberland School of Law. Chairman of Continuing Legal Education Committee of the Birmingham Bar Association, 1984, 1991; Member, Executive Committee of the Birmingham Bar Association, 1985-1987; Chairman, Long Range Planning Committee, Birmingham Bar Association, 1987-1988. Secretary/Treasurer, Birmingham Bar Association, 1988-1989. President, National Alumni Association of Cumberland School of Law, 1987-1989. Member: Advisory Board of Trustees of Cumberland School of Law, 1987-1992; Advisory Board of the School of Accountancy of Auburn University; Advisory Board of Planned Giving, Samford University. Fellow, American College of Trust and Estate Counsel.