Law School
Golden Gate University School of Law, J.D., 1995; McGill University Institute of Air and Space Law,
Law School Graduation Year
University of California, Los Angeles, B.A., 1990
Associate Director, National remote sensing and Space Law Center, University of Mississippi Law School. Aviation Legal Advisor to Government of Mangolia. Author: The Montréal Convention of 1999: A ‘Well-Worn‘ Restructuring of Liability and Jurisdiction, McGill University Institute of Air and Space Law, Masters of Laws, 2000. Speaker: McGill University Institute of Air & Space Law 50th Anniversary Conference, Montréal, Canada, 2002; Government of Columbia Ministry of Transportation's International Conference in Air & Space Law, Bogotá, Columbia, 2002; Lawyering in the International Market, (International Aircraft Financing/Leasing), Center for International Legal Studies, Valle Nevado, Chile, 2002. Assistant Professor, Aerospace Law, University of North Dakota Center for Aerospace Studies, 1997-1999.