Law School
Detroit College of Law, J.D., with highest honors, 1990
Law School Graduation Year
Holy Redeemer College; Michigan State University, B.A., 1985
Grand Rapids (Founding Member: Litigation Section) and American Bar Associations; State Bar of Michigan (Member, Sections on: Litigation; Criminal Defense); National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers; Criminal Defense Attorneys of Michigan.
Recipient: Edward H. Rakow Award, Federal Bar Association, Detroit Chapter, 1990; Dewitt C. Holbrook Award, Detroit College of Law, 1989; Detroit College of Law Alumni Association Scholarship, 1988; American Jurisprudence Book Awards for Contracts, Corporations, Commercial Transactions and Ethics, 1988-1990. Editor-in-Chief, 1990 and Managing Editor, Outside Articles, 1989, Detroit College Law Review. Author: Lies, Damn Lies and Statistics: Dispelling Some Myths Surrounding the United States Census, 1990 Det. C.L. Rev. 71 (cited in Worth Reading-Law and Politics, 13 The National Law Journal, No. 43, July 1, 1991). President Emeritus, James Madison College Alumni Association. Board of Directors, Michigan State University.