Law School
University of Miami, J.D., 1992
Law School Graduation Year
Ohio State University, B.S.B.A., Finance, 1989
Dade County (Member, Young Lawyers Division) and American Bar Associations; The Florida Bar (Member, UCC/Bankruptcy Committee, Business Law Section, 1995—); Bankruptcy Bar Association of the Southern District of Florida.
Co-Author: The Automatic Stay, Adequate Protection, and Other Issues Facing Secured Creditors In Bankruptcy Court, New Foreclosure and Repossession In Florida, National Business Institute, Inc., 1994; Discharge and Dischargeability, Bankruptcy Update 1996- A Review of Practice and Procedure in the Florida Bankruptcy Courts, The Florida Bar, 1996; The Bulk Sale- After Repeal of the Bulk Sales Act, A Practical Guide to the UCC in Florida, The Florida Bar, 1996; Dealing with Bankruptcy, Commercial Lending in Florida, National Business Institute, 1999-2001. Vice President, Corporate Law Society.