Jeffrey S. Berlowitz

Real Estate, Mediation
Presidential Circle, 4000 Hollywood Boulevard, Suite 265 South
Hollywood, Florida 33021

Real Estate


1992, Florida

Law School

University of Miami, J.D., 1992

Law School Graduation Year



Ohio State University, B.S.B.A., Finance, 1989


Dade County (Member, Young Lawyers Division) and American Bar Associations; The Florida Bar (Member, UCC/Bankruptcy Committee, Business Law Section, 1995—); Bankruptcy Bar Association of the Southern District of Florida.


Co-Author: The Automatic Stay, Adequate Protection, and Other Issues Facing Secured Creditors In Bankruptcy Court, New Foreclosure and Repossession In Florida, National Business Institute, Inc., 1994; Discharge and Dischargeability, Bankruptcy Update 1996- A Review of Practice and Procedure in the Florida Bankruptcy Courts, The Florida Bar, 1996; The Bulk Sale- After Repeal of the Bulk Sales Act, A Practical Guide to the UCC in Florida, The Florida Bar, 1996; Dealing with Bankruptcy, Commercial Lending in Florida, National Business Institute, 1999-2001. Vice President, Corporate Law Society.
