1987, California, U.S. District Court, Northern District of California and U.S. Court of Appeals, Ninth Circuit
Law School
Hastings College of the Law, University of California, J.D., 1987
Law School Graduation Year
University of California at Berkeley, A.B., with highest honors/distinction in General Scholarship,
State Bar of California.
Phi Beta Kappa. Executive Editor, Hastings Law Journal, 1986-1987. Secretary, Trinity Hall Law Society, 1983. Author: Master Netting Agreement Developments in the Energy Industry, Futures & Derivatives Law Report, May 2003; Examining Enron's S02 Emission Trades, Environmental Finance, March 2003; Using EMA's Master Agreement to Enhance Trading Liquidity, The Emissions Trader, March 2003; What's Missing from Andrew Fastow's Indictment? Energy & Power Risk Management, January 2003; Rethinking the Silicon Valley Cargo Cult, Wilmott's Quantitative Finance Journal, January 2002; Carbon-denominated Weather Swaps, Environmental Finance, Nov. 2001; Weather Derivatives for Environmental Rich Management, Energy & Power Risk Management, Sept., 2001; Inside California's Power Crisis, Energy & Power Risk Management, Mar. 2001. The Market as Mystic, Energy & Power Risk Management, Nov. 2000; Innovative Financing and Forestry Conservation, Environmental Finance, Jan. 2000; Valuing Private Equity Warrants on Initial Issuance, Valuation Strategies, Sept./Oct. 1999 and Derivatives Report, Oct. 1999; Regulation of Over-the-Counter Financial Derivatives, Contra Costa Lawyer, Feb. 1994; Morals and the Criminal Law, Cambridge Student Philosophy, Spring, 1983; No Milk and Honey, Wall Street Journal, Feb. 1, 1990; Adultery, Law and the State: A History, 38 Hastings L.J. 195, 1986. Contributing Editor, Corpus Juris Humorous II. President, Venture Asset Management, Inc. Member, Civil Rights Committee of Anti-Defamation League.