1975, New Mexico; 1980, U.S. Court of Appeals, Tenth Circuit; 1981, U.S. Supreme Court
Law School
University of New Mexico, J.D., magna cum laude, 1975; University of Stockholm, Diploma in Graduate
Law School Graduation Year
Princeton University, B.S.E., with high honors, 1969; St. John's College, Master of Arts in Liberal
State Bar of New Mexico (Member, Board of Directors, Natural Resources, Energy and Environmental Law Section, 1985-1988, Chair, 1986-1987; Member, 1989-1996 and Chair, 1992-1996, State Bar Natural Resources Specialty Committee); American Bar Association (Member, Section of Environment, Energy and Resources). Member, American Inns of Court (Master).
Order of the Coif. Editor-in-Chief: Natural Resources Journal, 1974-1975; Editor-in-Chief: New Mexico Law Review, 1974-1975. Most Outstanding Student of Law School Class, 1975. Fellow, American-Scandinavian Foundation, Sweden, 1970-1971. Fulbright-Hays Grantee, Sweden, 1976-1977. Co-Author: with Professor Ulf Bernitz, Consumer Protection in Sweden: Legislation, Institutions and Practice, University of Stockholm, 2d. ed., 1986; with Stephen E. Flechner, Environmental Laws and Regulations Governing Gold Mining in the West—Current Issues, 36 Rocky Mt. Min. L. Inst., Ch. 5 (1990). Law Clerk to Justice Samuel Z. Montoya, New Mexico Supreme Court, 1975-1976. Listed in The Best Lawyers in America, 1989—. Co-Chair, Annual New Mexico Water Law Conference, 1993—. Special Assistant Attorney General, State of Kansas, Counsel of Record: Kansas v. Colo., U.S. Supreme Court, No. 105, Orig., 1991—; Counsel of Record; Kansas v. Neb. & Colo. , U.S. Sup. Ct., No. 126, Orig., 1998—; Trustee, Rocky Mt. Min. L. Foundation, 2000—.