1974, Oklahoma; U.S. Supreme Court; U.S. Court of Appeals, Tenth Circuit; U.S. District Court, Northern, Eastern and Western Districts of Oklahoma
Law School
University of Tulsa, J.D., 1974
Law School Graduation Year
University of Tulsa, B.S., 1971
Tulsa County (Member, Professional Responsibility Grievance Committee, 1987-1989), Oklahoma (Faculty Member, Continuing Legal Education, 1990) and American Bar Associations; Oklahoma Association of Defense Counsel; Defense Research Institute, Inc.; American Inns of Court, W. Lee Johnson Chapter, Tulsa, Oklahoma, 1991-1994.
Recipient: Highest grade in Remedies and Trial Practice; Dean's Honor Roll, College of Law, 1971-1974. Listed in Who's Who in American Law, Fifth and Sixth Editions. Lecturer: University of Tulsa, 1979; Advanced Errors & Omissions Seminar; 46th Annual Insurance School, Oklahoma Association of Insurance Agents, 1994. Attorney Representative, United Way Lawyers Drive, 1986-1988.