John R. Beranek

Child Custody, Mediation
Washington Square Building, 227 South Calhoun Street, P.O. Box 391
Tallahassee, Florida 32302

Child Custody


1965, Florida

Law School

University of Florida, J.D., 1967, replaced LL.B. conferred, 1964

Law School Graduation Year



Florida State University, B.A., 1961


American Inns of Court


Executive Editor, University of Florida Law Review, 1964. Circuit Judge, Fifteenth Judicial Circuit for Palm Beach County, 1974-1979. Judge, Fourth District Court of Appeal, 1979-1984. Past Chair, Florida Bar Appellate Rules Committee, 1980-1984. Special Counsel to Governor Bob Graham, 1984-1985. Chairman, The Florida Bar Contingency Fee Commission, 1986-1987. General Counsel to Florida Judicial Qualifications Commission. Listed Best Lawyers in America, Woodward/White 1996. Florida Bar Certified Appellate Specialist. Past Chair: Florida Bar Rules of Judicial Administration Committee; Florida Bar Appellate Practice Certification Committee. Member, Federal Judicial nominating Commission, 1994—. Fellow: American Academy of Appellate Lawyers; American College of Trial Lawyers; American Bar Foundation; American College of Trial Lawyers. (Board Certified Appellate Lawyer, Florida Bar Board of Legal Specialization and Education)
