1982, Missouri; 1983, Illinois
Law School
Washington School of Law, J.D., 1982
Law School Graduation Year
Grinnell College, B.A., with honors, 1974; Southern Connecticut State University, M.S., 1976
The Bar Association of Metropolitan St. Louis (President, 1995-1996; Executive Committee Member, 1988-1996); Missouri Bar (Board of Governors, 1997-1999); Illinois State and American (Business Law Section; Health Law Section) Bar Associations; St. Louis Bar Foundation (Board of Directors, 1992-1993, 1994—; President, 1996-1998); National Conference of Bar Foundations (Board of Trustees, 1996-2000; President, 1998-1999); Legal Services of Eastern Missouri, Inc. (Board of Directors, 1994—); Missouri Lawyer Trust Account Foundation (Board of Trustees, 1999—).
Order of the Coif. Managing Editor, Washington University Law Quarterly, 1981-1982. (Chair, Mergers and Acquisitions Department)