Law School
University of Colorado, J.D., 1994
Law School Graduation Year
University of Virginia, B.A., 1991
Denver and Colorado Bar Associations; Colorado Women's Bar Association.
Associate Editor, University of Colorado Law Review. Judicial Clerkship with the Hon. Michael C. Villano, 1st Judicial District, Colorado. Author: Redistricting: A Municipal Perspective, Feb. 2002, The Colorado Lawyer; Colorado Election Law Update, National Business Institute, July, 2001. Lectures: Redistricting - A Municipal Perspective, Colorado Municipal League Annual Seminar on Municipal Law, Steamboat Springs, Colorado, October, 2001. Town Attorney, Town of Mountain View, Colorado, 2001—. City Attorney, City of Victor, Colorado, 2002—. Municipal Court Prosecutor: Town of Mountain View; City of Victor.