Kevin P. Mcgee

Divorce, Mediation
1126 Santa Barbara Street, P.O. Box 630
Santa Barbara, California 93101



1997, California

Law School

Golden Gate University, J.D., 1996

Law School Graduation Year



Boston University, B.A., 1993



Golden Key National Honor Society. Order of Omega Honor Society. Editor in Chief, Golden Gate Law Review, 1995-1996. Recipient: Merit Scholarship; Student Leadership Scholarship; American Jurisprudence Awards in Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure and Torts. Technical Advisor, Lecturer and Instructor, Gang Violence Prosecutions, California District Attorney's Association. Columnist: Gang Beat Newsletter. Author: Evidence, Gang Prosecutor's Resource Manual; The Absence of Malice? In Re Christian S., The Second Wind of the Imperfect Self-Defense Doctrine, Golden Gate University Law Review, Vol. 25, No. 2, Spring 1995. Assistant District Attorney, San Francisco District Attorney's Office, 1996-1997. Gang Prosecutions Assignment, San Mateo District Attorney's Office, 1997-2002. Deputy District Attorney, General Felony Unit, San Mateo District Attorney's Office, 1997-2002.
