2000, Idaho and U.S. District Court, District of Idaho.
Law School
University of Idaho, J.D., 2000
Law School Graduation Year
University of Idaho, B.S., 1997
Idaho State (Member, Sections on: Family Law; Young Lawyers) and American (Member, Women's Law Caucus) Bar Associations; Association of American Trial Lawyers; Environmental Law Society.
Sigma Tau Delta; University of Idaho Student Alumni Honor Society. Intern: Boise County Prosecutors Office, Idaho City, Idaho, 1998; Debrha Carnahan Law Office, Boise, Idaho, 1999-2000. Extern to Theresa Gardunia. Assistant, Clerk of the Court, District of Idaho, Fourth Judicial District, Idaho City, Idaho. Member: Student Bar Association (Member, Student Division); Student Mentor Program. Associate, Debrha Carnahan Law Office, Boise, Idaho, August 2000-2003.