Law School
Dickinson School of Law, J.D., 1979
Law School Graduation Year
Western Maryland College, B.A., cum laude, 1976
Princeton (President, 1990-1991), Somerset and New Jersey State Bar Associations; New Jersey Institute of Municipal Attorneys (District 4 Trustee, 1990-1992; Secretary, 1992-1994; Treasurer, 1994-1996; 2nd Vice President, 1997-1998; 1st Vice President, 1998-2000; President, 2001—); International Municipal Lawyers Association (New Jersey State Chair, 1990-1994, Regional Vice President, 1997—); New Jersey Planning Officials (Assistant Counsel, 1995—).
Law Clerk to the Honorable Thomas DeMartin, Superior Court of New Jersey, 1979-1980. Montgomery Township Attorney, 1984—. Delaware Township Attorney, 2003—. Member, District VII Fee Arbitration Committee, 1991-1995. Attorney, Highland Park Zoning Board of Adjustment, 1998-2000. Co-adjutant Faculty Member, Center for Government Services, Rutgers University. Associate Counsel, New Jersey State League of Municipalities, 1998—.