1975, Kentucky and U.S. District Court, Western District of Kentucky; 1977, U.S. Court of Appeals, Sixth Circuit; 1979, U.S. District Court, Southern District of West Virginia, U.S. Claims Court and U.S. Supreme Court; 1980, U.S. Court of Appeals, Eighth
Law School
University of Louisville, J.D., magna cum laude, 1974
Law School Graduation Year
Western Kentucky University, B.A., with honors, 1970; University of Louisville, M.S., 1978
Louisville, Kentucky and American (Member, Section on Public Contract Law) Bar Associations; American Subcontractors Association (Chapter Attorney, 1984—)
Phi Kappa Phi; Omicron Delta Kappa. Executive Editor, Journal of Family Law, 1973. Class Salutatorian. Author: Public Sector Labor Law in Kentucky 6 Northern Kentucky Law Review 327, 1979; Increasing Legal Services Consumability: The Family Perspective, 13 Journal of Family Law 58, 1973; Strike Management/Public Safety 10 Labor Management Relations Newsletter, No. 5, 1979; User Fees in Lieu of Taxes: Avoiding Constitutional Limitations, Municipal Law News, A Publication of the Municipal Law Center, June 1991, Issue II, Vol. 5; Lender Liability-What to Do When Your Bank Denies Credit, February, 1993, Presented to National Convention of Painting and Contractors of America; User-Fee Funded Stormwater Utilities, Water Environment Federation, 1994; Arbitrating Miller Act Claims and Problems with Enforcing an Award Under the Federal Arbitration Act, Public Contract Law Journal, Spring, 1995, Vol. 24, No. 3. Legal Advisor and Labor Negotiator for Jefferson County Fiscal Court, 1974-1977. Special Counsel to Jefferson County Fiscal Court, 1978. Director of Law, City of Louisville, 1978-1979. Special Justice to the Supreme Court of Kentucky. Chairman, Centre College Parents Committee. Special Justice to the Supreme Court of Kentucky. Member: National Panel of Arbitrators (Commercial), American Arbitration Association; Million Dollar Advocates Forum. Fellow, Kentucky Bar Foundation (Life Member).
Lt., U.S. Army, Military Intelligence Branch, 1971-1973; Major, USAR